

The environmental jurisprudence of international human rights tribunals / Dinah Shelton
The right to the conservation of the environment / Alexandre Kiss
Agenda 21 and human rights: the right to participate / Romina Picolotti
Public participation in the era of globalization / Claudia Saladin
The right to water as a human right / Ignacio J. Alvarez
Women's rights and the global population crisis / Michael G. Shaw
How human rights norms can contribute to environmental protection: some practical possibilities within the United Nations system / Caroline Dommen
Environmental advocacy and the inter-American human rights system / Jorge Daniel Taillant
Sharing common ground: a cautionary tale on the rights of indigenous peoples and the protection of biological diversity / Annecoos Wiersema
The Mayagna indigenous community of Awas Tingni and its effort to gain recognition of traditional lands: the community's case before the human rights institutions of the Organization of American States / S. James Anaya
Appendixes. 1. Petition: the Mayagna Indian Community of Awas Tingni and Jaime Castillo Felipe, on his own behalf and on behalf of the community of Awas Tingni, against Nicaragua
2. Amici curiae: Awas Tingni Mayagna (Sumo) Indigenous Community v. The Republic of Nicaragua ; Selected paragraphs of the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case of Mayagna (Sumo) Indigenous Community of Awas Tingni v. The Republic of Nicaragua.

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