

Back from the brink : starting again with just a few survivors. California condor ; Kakapo ; Laysan duck ; Seychelles magpie-robin ; Crested ibis
The perils of island living : many threatened birds are confined to small spaces. Ultramarine lorikeet ; Floreana mockingbird ; Kagu ; Junin grebe ; Bali myna
Threats in many guises : peculiar ways to become threatened. Tristan albatross ; Black-eared miner ; Montserrat oriole ; Houbara bustard ; Colourful puffleg
Migrants : the difficulties of protecting birds on the move. Aquatic warbler ; Nordmann's greenshank ; Northern bald ibis ; Kirtland's warbler ; Whooping crane
Unexpected calamities : once common birds in sudden danger. White-rumped vulture ; Sooty falcon ; Regent honeyeater ; Red-legged kittiwake ; Lesser flamingo
Lost causes? : optimism fades - or has gone completely. Spoon-billed sandpiper ; Brazilian merganser ; Philippine eagle ; Marvellous spatuletail ; Po'ouli
Controversies : conservation is rarely a simple business. Spotted owl ; White-headed duck ; Grenada dove ; Gurney's pitta ; Spix's macaw
Discoveries : some unexpected ways to discover new species. Algerian nuthatch ; Nechisar nightjar ; Hooded grebe ; Udzungwa forest partridge ; Araripe manakin
Rediscoveries : missing birds are found again. Noisy scrub-bird ; Forest owlet ; New Zealand storm-petrel ; Bruijn's brush-turkey ; Madagascar pochard
The pending tray : are they out there, or not? Long-whiskered owlet ; Night parrot ; Pink-headed duck ; White-eyed river martin ; Ivory-billed woodpecker.

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