Table of Contents
Introduction: acknowledged legislation
Courting disaster: Blok and Yeats
Whitman, Mayakovsky, and the body politic
The death of the book à la russe: the Acmeists under Stalin
Akhmatova and the forms of responsibility: the Poem without a Hero
Avant-guarde again, or the posthumous Polish adventures of Vladimir Mayakovsky
Bringing up the rear: the histories of Wisława Szymborska
Counterrevolution in poetic language: Poland's Generation of '68
The unacknowledged legislator's dream: Czesław Miłosz and Anglo-American poetry
Afterword: martyrs, survivors, and success stories, or the postcommunist prophet.
Courting disaster: Blok and Yeats
Whitman, Mayakovsky, and the body politic
The death of the book à la russe: the Acmeists under Stalin
Akhmatova and the forms of responsibility: the Poem without a Hero
Avant-guarde again, or the posthumous Polish adventures of Vladimir Mayakovsky
Bringing up the rear: the histories of Wisława Szymborska
Counterrevolution in poetic language: Poland's Generation of '68
The unacknowledged legislator's dream: Czesław Miłosz and Anglo-American poetry
Afterword: martyrs, survivors, and success stories, or the postcommunist prophet.