

Alexander before the expedition to Asia Minor (356-334)
I. The major stages of the conquest (334-323). From Granicus to the fall of Tyre (May 334-summer 332)
From Tyre to the Euphrates (summer 332-summer 331)
The end of Darius and the final submission of Greece (summer 331-summer 330)
Guerillas in the Eastern Satrapies and Macedonian opposition (summer 330-spring 327)
The conquest of India and the return via the Persian Gulf (327-325)
The last years (324-323)
II. The origins and objectives of the conquest. The unsatisfactory nature of explanations based on personality and psychology
The heritage of Philip II
Alexander and the royal territories of the Achaemenids
"War of liberation" and "War of reprisal": the limits of Alexander's Philhellenism
The conquest of India and return via the Persian Gulf
The problem of the "last plans"
III. Resistance to the conquest. The resistance of Darius (334-330)
Underground resistance and open revolt in Greece
Resistance and reprisals in the Eastern Satrapies (330-327)
The discontent of the Macedonian soldiery (330-324)
IV. The administration, defense, and exploitation of the conquered lands. The different degrees of royal authority
Territorial control and the management of the population
Conquest and "economic development"
V. Alexander among Macedonians, Greeks, And Iranians. Conquest and surrender: contradiction and opposition
A policy for the future (325-323)
The king is dead! Long live the king?
Appendix : The history of Alexander today: a provisional assessment and some future directions.

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