

1. Greatest common divisors
2. Unique factorization
3. Linear Diophantine equations
4. Congruences
5. Linear congruences
6. The Chinese remainder theorem
7. Fermat's theorem
8. Wilson's theorem
9. The number of divisors of an integer
10. The sum of the divisors of an integer
11. Amicable numbers
12. Perfect numbers
13. Euler's theorem and function
14. Primitive roots and orders
15. Decimals
16. Quadratic congruences
17. Gauss's lemma
18. The quadratic reciprocity theorem
19. The Jacobi symbol
20. Pythagorean triangles
21. x⁴ + y⁴ [not equal] z⁴
22. Sums of two squares
23. Sums of three squares
24. Sums of four squares
25. Waring's problem
26. Pell's equation
27. Continued fractions
28. Multigrades
29. Carmichael numbers
30. Sophie Germain primes
31. The group of multiplicative functions
32. Bounds for [pi](x)
33. The sum of the reciprocals of the primes
34. The Riemann hypothesis
35. The prime number theorem
36. The abc conjecture
37. Factorization and testing for primes
38. Algebraic and transcendental numbers
39. Unsolv

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