

Unit 1. Microeconomic issues: Are profits the only business of business?; Are CEOs paid what they are worth?; Is OSHA working effectively to protect the safety of construction workers?; Is the new Medicare part D drug benefit good health care policy?; Are health savings accounts working effectively?; Is it time to reform medical malpractice litigation?
Unit 2. Macroeconomic issues: Is Wal-Mart good for the economy?; Should Social Security be changed to include personal retirement accounts?; Should unemployment benefits be extended?; Do American consumers need a credit card bill of rights?; Should minimum wage and living wage laws be eliminated?; Do unskilled immigrants hurt the American economy?
Unit 3. The World around us: Is a fair trade policy superior to a free trade policy?; Is loan mitigation the answer to the housing foreclosure problem?; will biofuels like ethanol reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil?; Are spending cuts the right way to balance the Federal Government's budget?; Has the North American Free Trade Agreement benefited the Economies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States?; Do the testing and accountability elements of the No Child Left Behind Act prevent a proper cost-benefit evaluation?; Is the inequality in the U.S. income distribution surging?; Is the treasury's $700 billion bailout the solution to the credit crisis?

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