

Unit 1. Colonial society. Is history true?
Did the Chinese discover America?
Was disease the key factor in the depopulation of Native Americans in the Americas?
Was Salem witchcraft hysteria caused by a fear of women?
Was there a Great Awakening in mid-eighteenth century America? Unit 2. Revolution and the new nation. Was the American Revolution largely a product of market-driven consumer forces?
Were the founding fathers democratic reformers?
Was Alexander Hamilton an economic genius?
Did Andrew Jackson's removal policy benefit Native Americans?
Did the Industrial Revolution provide more economic opportunities for women in the 1830s? Unit 3. Antebellum America. Was antebellum temperance reform motivated primarily by religious moralism?
Was the Mexican War an exercise in American imperialism?
Was John Brown an irrational terrorist? Unit 4. Conflict and resolution. Was slavery the key issue in the sectional conflict leading to the Civil War?
Is Robert E. Lee overrated as a general?
Was Abraham Lincoln America's greatest president?
Did Reconstruction fail as a result of racism?

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