

Issue 1. Is race a useful concept for anthropologists?
Issue 2. Are humans inherently violent?
Issue 3. Was there a pre-Clovis migration to the New World from Europe?
Issue 4. Was the extinction of pleistocene megafauna in North America caused by climate change rather than over-hunting?
Issue 5. Did prehistoric Native Americans practice cannibalism in the American Southwest?
Issue 6. Can apes learn language?
Issue 7. Should anthropologists and linguists be concerned about losing endangered languages?
Issue 8. Should cultural anthropology stop trying to model itself on sciences?
Issue 9. Was Margaret Mead's fieldwork on Samoan adolescents fundamentally flawed?
Issue 10. Do native peoples today invent their traditions?
Issue 11. Do men dominate women in all societies?
Issue 12. Is gay marriage natural?
Issue 13. Does the natural-supernatural distinction exist in all cultures?
Issue 14. Are San hunter-gatherers basically pastoralists who lost their herds?
Issue 15. Do some illnesses exist only among members of a particular culture?
Issue 16. Is ethnic conflict inevitable?
Issue 17. Should the remains of prehistoric Native Americans be reburied rather than studied?
Issue 18. Did Napoleon Chagnon's research methods and publications harm the Yanomami Indians?
Issue 19. Do museums misrepresent ethnic communities around the world?

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