

Parental decision making: what's best for children . . . or what's best for parents?
Should parents be allowed to opt their children out of sexuality education classes?
Should adoptive parents adopt only within their own racial/ethnic group?
Should unhappy couples stay together for the sake of their children?
Should parents home-school their children?
Do mothers who work outside the home have a negative effect on their children?
How much control should parents have over their children's lives?
Should "abstinence-until-marriage" be the only message for teens?
Should parents be able to select the biological sex of their children?
Should parents surgically alter their intersex infants?
Should minors be required to get their parents' permission in order to obtain an abortion?
Being inclusive: lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals, couples, and families
Should same-sex couples be allowed to marry legally?
Should men who have sex with men be allowed to donate blood?
Should lesbian and gay individuals be allowed to adopt children?
Should private sexual acts between gay and lesbian couples be legal?
Twenty-first-century sexuality issues
Is cybersex "cheating"?
Are open relationships healthy?
Is pornography harmful to teenagers?
Are statutory rape laws effective at protecting minors?

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