

History of the interagency process for foreign relations in the United States: Murphy's law? / Jon J. Rosenwasser, Michael Warner
The evolution of the NSC process / David Auerswald
The Office of Management and Budget: the president's policy tool / Gordon Adams
The State Department: Culture as interagency destiny? / Marc Grossman
The Office of the Secretary of Defense: civilian masters? / Frederick C. Smith, Franklin C. Miller
The military: forging a joint warrior culture / Michael J. Meese, Isaiah Wilson III
Office of the Director of National Intelligence: promising start despite ambiguity, ambivalence, and animosity / Thomas Fingar
Central Intelligence Agency: the president's own / Roger Z. George
The evolving FBI: becoming a new national security enterprise asset / Harvey Rishikof
The Department of Homeland Security: chief of coordination / Gary M. Shiffman, Jonathan Hoffman
Congress: checking presidential power / Gerald Felix Warburg
The United States Supreme Court: the cult of the robe in the national security enterprise / Harvey Rishikof
Lobbyists: U.S. national security and special interests / Gerald Felix Warburg
Think tanks: supporting cast players in the national security enterprise / Ellen Laipson
The media: witness to the national security enterprise / John Diamond
Conclusion: Navigating the labyrinth of the national security enterprise / Harvey Rishikof, Roger Z. George.

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