

pt. I. Overview. The need for unions
The fall of organized labor: a brief overview
The NLRA organizing process
pt. II. The story of UNITE HERE. HERE and its history
The rejuvenation of HERE Local 2
Organizing Yale's clerical and technical worker
The need for a new organizing model
The Culinary Union and the development of the comprehensive campaign
From Hanley to Wilhelm
Refining the comprehensive campaign
The immigration issue
HERE in the twenty-first century
Solidarity rebuffed
pt. III. Why the NLRB election process doesn't work for unions. The problem of access
The regulation of employer campaign conduct
The duty to bargain and the protection of employee choice
NLRA organizing: law and reality
pt. IV. The strike weapon. Restructuring the strike weapon
Strikes, picketing, comprehensive campaigns, and the law
Comprehensive campaigns and RICO
pt. V. The need to change the law. Organized labor and the Employee Free Choice Act
Changing the law of representation campaigns and striker replacement
Is the NLRA worth saving?
Beyond traditional collective bargaining
pt. VI. Summing up. The difference between labor organization and labor movement.

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