

Predecessors: Originals and texts; The first draft: William Tyndale; Revision, completion of the first draft, and more revision: Myles Coverdale; The first 'authorised' version: the Great Bible; Geneva, the people's Bible; The second 'authorised' version, the Bishop's Bible; The Rheims New Testament
Drafting the King James Bible: Joseph and Mary; The Fall
'I was a translator': 'Certain learned men'; A translator's library; Scholar and notemaker
Working on the King James Bible: Setting up; Chronology; Manuscript work and notes
1611: the first edition: The Holy Scriptures and 'the translators to the reader'; New and familiar; Typographical errors
Printing, editing and the development of a standard text: What to call the new Bible; The only Bible in England; Printing through to 1800; Some later developments
Reputation and future.

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