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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Demography and economics
3. The constraints of history
4. Comparative economics : the Arab world, East Asia, and Latin America
5. Egypt : the submerged giant?
6. Iraq : after destruction
7. Jordan : from rents to markets?
8. Morocco : reforms that did not cure
9. Palestine : the making and unmaking of a state
10. Saudi Arabia : oil wealth and unemployment
11. Syria : lost potential
12. Tunisia : unhappy economic leader
13. Conclusions : the Arab equilibrium.
2. Demography and economics
3. The constraints of history
4. Comparative economics : the Arab world, East Asia, and Latin America
5. Egypt : the submerged giant?
6. Iraq : after destruction
7. Jordan : from rents to markets?
8. Morocco : reforms that did not cure
9. Palestine : the making and unmaking of a state
10. Saudi Arabia : oil wealth and unemployment
11. Syria : lost potential
12. Tunisia : unhappy economic leader
13. Conclusions : the Arab equilibrium.