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Medieval Christian Cabala: the art of Ramon Lull
The occult philosophy in the Italian Renaissance: Pico della Mirandola
The occult philosophy in the reformation: Johannes Reuchlin
The cabalist friar of Venice: Francesco Giorgi
The occult philosophy and magic: Henry Cornelius Agrippa
The occult philosophy and melancholy: Dürer and Agrippa
Reactions against the occult philosophy: the witch craze
John Dee: christian cabalist
Spenser's Neoplatonism and the occult philosophy: John Dee and the The Faerie Queene
Elizabethan England and the Jews
The reaction: Christopher Marlowe on conjurors, imperialists and Jews
Shakespeare and Christian Cabala: Francesco Giorgi and The Merchant of Venice
Agrippa and Elizabethan melancholy: George Chapman's Shadow of Night
Shakespearean fairies, witches, melancholy: King Lear and the demons
Prospero: the Shakespearean Magus
Christian Cabala and Rosicrucianism
The occult philosophy and puritanism: John Milton
The return of the Jews to England.

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