

Results of a comparison of different peoples' poetry in ancient and modern times (1797) / Johann Gottfried Herder
Of the general spirit of modern literature (1800) / Germaine de Staël
Conversations on world literature (1827) / J.W. von Goethe and J.P. Eckermann
From The birth of tragedy (1872) / Friedrich Nietzsche
Present tasks of comparative literature (1877) / Hugo Meltzl
The comparative method and literature (1886) / Hutcheson Macaulay Posnett
World literature (1899) / Georg Brandes
From what is comparative literature? (1903) / Charles Mills Gayley
The epic and the novel (1916) / Georg Lukács
Chaos in the literary world (1934) / Kobayashi Hideo
From epic and novel (1941) / Mikhail Bakhtin
Preface to European literature and the Latin Middle Ages (1948) / Ernst Robert Curtius
Philology and Weltliteratur (1952) / Erich Auerbach
From Minima Moralia (1951) / Theodor Adorno
Poetry, society, state (1956) / Octavio Paz
Preface to La littérature comparée (1951) / Jean-Marie Carré
The crisis of comparative literature (1959) / René Wellek
The structuralist activity (1963) / Roland Barthes
Women's time (1977) / Julia Kristeva
Semiology and rhetoric (1973) / Paul de Man
Writing (1990) / Barbara Johnson
The position of translated literature within the literary polysystem (1978) / Itamar Even-Zohar
Cross-cultural poetics: national literatures (1981) / Édouard Glissant
The world, the text, and the critic (1983) / Edward W. Said
The quest for relevance (1986) / Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
Comparative cosmopolitanism (1992) / Bruce Robbins
Literature, nation, and politics (1999) / Pascale Casanova
Comparative literature in China (2000) / Zhou Xiaoyi and Q.S. Tong
From translation, community, utopia (2000) / Lawrence Venuti
Crossing borders (2003) / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Evolution, world-systems, Weltliteratur (2006) / Franco Moretti
A new comparative literature (2006) / Emily Apter.

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