

Calling a Secession Convention, November 1860. What Shall the South Carolina Legislature Do? November 3, 1860 / Charleston Mercury
"Alarms from the South" : Illinois, November 1860. Memoranda Regarding Abraham Lincoln, November 5-6, 1860 / John G. Nicolay
Going to Go, November 9, 1860 / New-York Daily Tribune
The Threat of Secession, November 1860. Jefferson Davis to Robert Barnwell Rhett Jr., November 10, 1860
The Need for Southern Cooperation, November 1860. Speech at Milledgeville, November 15, 1860 / Benjamin Hill
Debating Secession, Georgia, November 1860. The Right of States to Secede, November 16, 1860 / New York Daily News
"States cannot exist disunited," November 1860. "I am for the Union as it is," Texas, November 1860 / Sam Houston to H.M. Watkins and Others, November 20, 1860
"Our sore national sickness : New York, November 1860. Diary, November 20, November 26-December I, 1860 / George Templeton Strong
"This dangerous game" : Missouri, November 1860 Diary, November 22, 1860 / Edward Bates
The "Wicked Spirit" of Secession : Tennessee, November 1860. William G. Brownlow to R.H. Appleton, November 29, 1860
Lincoln, and Slavery : December 1860. The Late Election, December 1860 / Frederick Douglass
Secessionism in Louisiana, December 1860. William T. Sherman to Thomas Ewing Sr. and to John Sherman
Washington, D.C., December 1860. From the Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1860 / James Buchanan
The Benefits of Slavery : December 1860. The Non-Slaveholders of the South, December 5, 1860 / J.D.B. DeBow
Advocating Secession : Georgia, December 1860 / Joseph E. Brown to Alfred H. Colquitt and Others, December 7, 1860
Restating Positions on Slavery : December 1860 / Abraham Lincoln to John A. Gilmer, December 15, 1860
Rejecting Coercion : December 1860. The Right of Secession, December 17, 1860 / New-York Daily Tribune
"I stand by the Union" : December 1860. Remarks in the U.S. Senate, December 17, 1860 / Benjamin F. Wade
A Compromise over Slavery, December 1860. Remarks in the U.S. Senate, December 18, 1860 / John J. Crittenden
"Meanness and rascality" : Washington, D.C., December 1860 / Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr., December 18-20, 1860
A Confidential Message : Illinois, December 1860. Memorandum Regarding Abraham Lincoln, December 22, 1860 / John G. Nicolay
Charleston, December 1860. South Carolina Declaration of the Causes of Secession, December 24, 1860
Occupying Fort Sumter : South Carolina, December 1860. From Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-'61 / Abner Doubleday
Urging Kentucky to Secede: December 1860 / Stephen F. Hale to Beriah Magoffin, December 27, 1860
"The tempest bursting" : 1860. Misgivings / Herman Melville
"Sad foreboding": Georgia, January 1861 / Mary Jones to Charles C. Jones Jr., January 3, 1861
"All depends on Virginia" : Washington, D.C., January 1861 / Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr., January 8, 1861
Jackson, January 1861. Mississippi Declaration of the Causes of Secession, January 9, 1861
"A warlike aspect." Washington, D.C., January 1861 / Elizabeth Blair Lee to Samuel Phillips Lee
The "Star of the West" : South Carolina, January 1861 / Catherine Edmondston : Diary, January 9-13, 1861
Washington, D.C., January 1861. Farewell Address in the U.S. Senate, January 21, 1861 / Jefferson Davis
The Evils of Anarchy and Civil War: January 1861 / Robert E. Lee to George Washington Custis Lee, January 23, 1861
Hopes for Lincoln's Administration: March 1861. The New President, March 1861 / Frederick Douglass
Washington, D.C., March 1861. First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861 / Abraham Lincoln
"That wretch Abraham Lincoln" : North Carolina, March 1861 / Catherine Edmondston : Diary, March 4, 1861
Vindicating Slavery: Georgia, March 1861. "Corner-Stone" Speech, March 21, 1861 / Alexander H. Stephens
Relieving Fort Sumter: Washington, D.C., March-April 1861 / Edward Bates : Diary, March 9-April 8, 1861
Seward and Fort Sumter: Washington, D.C. March 1861. Memoir of Events, March 1861 / Gideon Welles
Challenging Lincoln: Washington, D.C., April 1861. Memorandum for the President, April 1, 1861 / William H. Seward
"I must do it": Washington, D.C., April 1861 / Abraham Lincoln to William H. Seward, April 1, 1861
The War Begins: South Carolina, April 1861. Diary, April 7-15, 1861 / Mary Chesnut
Bombardment and Surrender: South Carolina, April 1861 / from Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-61, Abner Doubleday
New Yorkers Respond : April 1861. Diary, April 13-16, 1861 / George Templeton Strong
Vindicating National Honor: April 1861. The People and the Issue, April 15, 1861 / The New York Times
Fighting "the mad rebellion": April 1861. The War Begun : The Duty of American Citizens, April 15, 1861 / Pittsburgh Post
Celebration in Charleston: South Carolina, April 1861. From My Diary North and South, April 17, 1861 / William Howard Russell
"Infidel" Enemies : Georgia, April 1861 / Charles C. Jones Sr. to Charles C. Jones Jr., April 20, 1861
Seccssionism in Richmond: Virginia, April 1861. Diary, April 15-22, 1861 / John B. Jones

The Baltimore Riot: April 1861. From Historical Sketch of the Old Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers / John W. Hanson
"I have but one sentiment now": Illinois, April 1861 / Ulysses S. Grant to Frederick Dent, April 19, 1861, and the Jesse Root Grant, April 21, 1861
Montgomery, Alabama, April 1861. Message to the Confederate Congress, April 29, 1861 / Jefferson Davis
"Strike down slavery itself": May 1861. How to End the War, May 1861 / Frederick Douglass
New York, Spring 1861. First O Songs for a Prelude / Walt Whitman
A Strategic Plan : May 1861 / Winfield Scott to George B. McClellan, May 3, 1861
Life in Army Camp : Michigan, May 1861 / Charles B. Haydon : Diary, May 3
-12, 1861
Predicting a Short War: May 1861 / Ulysses S. Grant to Jesse Root Grant, May 6, 1861
Life in the Executive Mansion : Washington, D.C., May 1861 / John Hay : Diary, May 7
-10, 1861
Fearing Attack in Alexandria : Virginia, May 1861 / Judith W. McGuire : Diary, May 10, 1861
Rioting in St. Louis : Missouri, May 1861 / William T. Sherman to John Sherman, May 11, 1861
Slaves Seeking Freedom: Virginia, May 1861 / Benjamin F. Butler to Winfield Scott, May 24, 1861
Defining Runaway Slaves : Virginia, May 1861 / The New York Times : General Butler and the Contraband of War, June 2, 1861
"Our Cause is just" : Louisiana, May 1861 / Kate Stone : Journal, May 15-27, 1861
A Visit to Washington : May-June 1861 / George Templeton Strong : Diary, May 29
-June 2, 1861
Massachusetts, May 1861 : John Brown's Body
The Writ of Habeas Corpus : Maryland, May 1861 / Roger B. Taney : Opinion in Ex parte Merryman, June 1, 1861
"I rejoice in this war" : Virginia, June 1861 / Henry A. Wise : Speech at Richmond, June 1, 1861
The "blinded, fanatical" North: Georgia, June 1861 / Charles C. Jones Jr. to Charles C. Jones Sr. and Mary Jones, June 10, 1861
Anglo-American Relations : London, June 1861 / Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr., June 10-11, 1861
Cherokee Neutrality : Indian Territory, June 1861 / John Ross to Benjamin McCulloch, June 17, 1861
Emancipating Northern Opinion : June 1861 / James Russel Lowell : The Pickens-and-Stealin's Rebellion, June 1861
Washington, D.C., July 1861 / Abraham Lincoln : Message to Congress in Special Session, July 4, 1861
An Unobserved Holiday: Louisiana, July 1861 / Kate Stone : Journal, July 4, 1861
Facing the Enemy: Missouri, July 1861 / Ulysses S. Grant : from Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant
Defeats in Western Virginia: July 1861 / Sallie Brock : from Richmond During the War
A Farewell Letter : July 1861 / Sullivan Barlou to Sarah Ballou, July 14, 1861
Battle of Manassas : Virginia, July 1861 / Charles Minor : from Letters from Lee's Army
The Union Army Retreats : Virginia, July 1861 / William Howard Russell : from My Diary North and South
"Death and confusion everywhere" : Virginia, July 1861 / Samuel J. English to his Mother, July 24, 1861
News of Manassas : South Carolina, July 1861 / Emma Holmes : Diary, July 22-23, 1861
Straggling Soldiers: Washington, D.C., July 1861 / Elizabeth Blair Lee to Samuel Phillips Lee, July 23, 1861
"A terrible shock": Washington, D.C., July 1861 / Walt Whitman : from Specimen Days
Washington, D.C., July 1861 / Abraham Lincoln : Memoranda on Military Policy, July 23, 1891
Celebrating Victory : Virginia, July 1861 / Mary Chesnut : Diary, July 24, 1861

Noninterference with Slavery: July 1861 / Crittenden-Johnson Resolutions, July 22-25, 1861
Assuming Command: Washington, D.C., July 1861 / George B. McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, July 27, 1861
"Our men are not good Soldiers" : July 1861 / William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, July 28, 1861
"Our late awful disaster": July 1861 / Horace Greeley to Abraham Lincoln, July 29, 1861
Washington, D.C., August 1861 / George B. McClellan : Memorandum for the President, August 2, 1861
A Measure Against Slavery: August 1861 / Confiscation Act, August 6, 1861
"The Presdt is an idiot": August 1861 / George B. McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, August 8, 9, and 16, 1861
Battle of Wilson's Creek : Missouri, August 1861 / E. F. Ware : from The Lyon Campaign in Missouri
Confederate Artillery at Wilson's Creek : Missouri, August 1861 / W. E. Woodruff : from With the Light Guns in '61-'65
Freeing the Slaves of Rebels: Missouri, August 1861 / John C. Fremont : Proclamation, August 30, 1861
Modifying a Proclamation : September 1861 / Abraham Lincoln to John C. Fremont, September 2, 1861
The Need for Black Soldiers: September 1861 / Frederick Douglass : Fighting Rebels with Only One Hand, September 1861
Revoking Fremont's Proclamation: September 1861 / Abraham Lincoln to Orville H. Browning, September 22, 1861
A Cherokee-Confederate Alliance: Indian Territory, October 1861 / John Ross : Message to the National Council, October 9, 1861
Battle of Ball's Bluff: Virginia, October 1861 / Henry Livermore Abbott to Josiah Gardner Abbott, October 22, 1861
Replacing Winfield Scott: October 1861 / George B. McClellan to Mary Ellen McClellan, October 25, 26, 30, and 31, 1861
"I am tired of incompetents": November 1861 / Charles Francis Adams Jr. to Henry Adams, November 5, 1861
Preparing for the Next Battle : November 1861 / George B. McClellan to Samuel L. M. Barlow, November 8, 1861
Battle of Belmont: Missouri, November 1861 / Ulysses S. Grant to Jesse Root Grant, November 8, 1861
A Doctor at Belmont : Missouri, November 1861 / Lunsford P. Yandell Jr. to Lunsford Yandell Sr., November 10, 1861
The Capture of Port Royal : South Carolina, November 1861 / Samuel Francis Du Pont to Sophie Du Pont, November 13-15, 1861
A Former Slave Remembers : South Carolina, November 1861 / Sam Mitchell : Narrative of the capture of the Sea Islands, November 1861
A Confederate Sermon : Georgia, November 1861 / Henry Tucker : God in the War, November 15, 1861
Richmond, Virginia, November 1861 / Jefferson Davis : Message to the Confederate Congress, November 18, 1861
The Army of the Potomac : Virginia, November 1861 / Harper's Weekly : The Great Review
Slavery and the Press: November 1861 / Ulysses S. Grant to Jesse Root Grant, November 27, 1861
Shortages and Inflation : Virginia, Autumn 1861 / Sallie Brock : From Richmond During the War
The "Trent" Affair : London, November-December 1861 / Benjamin Moran : Journal, November 27-December 3, 1861
War with England : London, November 1861 / Henry Adams to Charles Francis Adams Jr., November 30, 1861
Washington, D.C., December 1861 / Abraham Lincoln : Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861
Preparing to Enlist : Boston, December 1861 / Charles Francis Adams Jr. to Henry Adams, December 10, 1861
A Song of the Contrabands : Virginia, 1861 / Let My People Go
Not Relying on Foreign Aid : December 1861 / Robert E. Lee to George Washington Custis Lee, December 29, 1861
The President's Duty to Act : Washington, D.C., December 1861 / Edward Bates : Diary, December 31, 1861
Lincoln and McClellan : Washington, D.C., January 1862 / Irwin McDowell : Memorandum, January 10-13, 1862
"The bottom is out of the tub" : Washington, D.C., January 1862 / Montgomery C. Meigs, Memoir of Meetings with President Lincoln, January 10-13, 1862
"This army has got to fight" : January 1862 / Edwin M. Stanton to Charles A. Dana, January 24, 1862.

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