

1. Determinants of violence: is America more violent than other societies? Scope of the U.S. violence problem
A risk factor framework for understanding violence
Contributors to American violence and its recent decline
A world leader in violence
A love-hate relationship
Shocking but not surprising
2. Physical and emotional abuse of children. What is child abuse?
Are there different kinds of child abuse?
What is emotional child abuse?
What is shaken baby syndrome?
When was child abuse recognized?
How common is child abuse?
What are the signs that a child is being abused?
What are the long-term consequences of child abuse?
Does abuse kill children?
Who perpetrates child abuse?
Which children are abused?
Are only young children abused?
In what situations and why do people abuse children?
Is child abuse falsely alleged or misdiagnosed?
How can child abuse be prevented?
What do I do if I learn that my child is being abused?
What do I do if my spouse is abusing my child?
What do I do if I am abusing my child?
What do I do if I am a victim of abuse?
What happens after child abuse is disclosed?
Where can I get more information and help?
3. Sexual abuse of children. What is child sexual abuse?
What is incest?
What is pedophilia?
What is not child sexual abuse?
How common is the sexual abuse of children?
What are the signs that a child is being sexually abused?
Does child sexual abuse have serious consequences?
Can a child get HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases from sexual abuse?
Who usually abuses a child sexually and why?
Which child can be a victim of sexual abuse?
In what situations do child sexual abuse and incest occur?
What do I do if I learn that my child has been sexually abused?
What happens after I report that my child has been sexually abused?
Can child sexual abuse be prevented by society?
How can I prevent my own child from being sexually abused?
What methods do child sexual abusers use to lure children?
Is the internet used to victimize children?
What do I do if I am sexually abusing or sexually attracted to a child?
What do I do if I am a victim of sexual abuse
What happens to abusers who are caught?
Can child sexual abusers be treated?
Does child pornography contribute to child sexual abuse?
Where can I get more information and help?

4. Youth and school violence. What are youth and school violence?
How common are youth and school violence?
Do youth and school violence inflict serious injury?
Who is involved in youth and school violence?
In what situations do youth and school violence occur?
Are guns used in youth violence?
What contributes to youth and school violence?
Are there warning signs that your child may become involved in violence?
Can youth violence be prevented or controlled?
What can I do to raise nonviolent children?
How can I help my child avoid becoming a victim of violence?
Where can I get more information and help?
5. Bullying: not just kids' stuff. What is bullying?
What is workplace bullying?
How common is bullying?
How do I know if my child is being bullied?
Is bullying a serious problem?
Who is a bully?
Who gets bullied?
Are only boys bullies or bullied?
Where does bullying occur?
Why do children bully?
What is electronic aggression or cyber-bullying?
How common is electronic aggression?
Who is involved in electronic aggression?
What can be done to stop and prevent bullying?
Where can I get more information and help?
6. Spouse abuse, domestic violence, and intimate partner violence. What is domestic violence or violence between intimate partners?
What is spouse abuse?
How common are domestic or intimate partner violence and spouse abuse?
What are the signs of domestic violence?
Can intimate partner violence have potentially serious effects?
Who violently victimizes women?
Who abuses their spouse or intimate partner?
What kind of woman is abused by an intimate partner?
Can men be battered?
In what situations is abuse of a spouse or an intimate partner likely to occur?
Are guns involved in domestic violence?
How common is stalking?
What is electronic aggression or cyber-stalking?
Why does domestic violence persist?
Isn't domestic violence against the law?
How can society prevent violence against intimate partners and spouses?
What can I do if a family member or friend is being abused?
What should I do if I am an abused spouse or intimate partner?
What can I do to stop abusing my spouse or intimate partner?
Where can I get more information and help?
7. Rape and sexual assault of adults. What is sexual violence?
What is rape?
How common are rape and sexual assault?
What are the consequences of rape and sexual assault?
Who is a rapist or sex offender?
Who gets raped or sexually assaulted?
Can men be raped?
In what situations do rape and sexual assault occur?
Why do men rape?
Can a man rape his wife?
Are alcohol and drugs associated with rape?
What is date rape?
How can I protect myself from drug-facilitated rape?
How can I tell if I have been drugged and raped?
What should I do if I think I have been drugged and raped?
What can I do to prevent being raped or sexually assaulted?
What should I do when I am sexually assaulted?
What should I do after I have been raped?
What do I do if I feel the urge to rape?
What is sexual harassment and how can I prevent it?
Where can I get more information and help?

8. Elder abuse and violence against the elderly. What is elder abuse?
How frequently are the elderly victimized by violence?
How common is elder abuse?
What is the difference between elder abuse and other forms of violence committed against the elderly?
What are the signs of elder abuse?
Can elder abuse cause serious injury or kill?
Who abuses the elderly?
Who is a typical victim of elder abuse?
In what situations does elder abuse occur?
Why does elder abuse occur?
Are there laws against elder abuse?
How can I reduce my risk of becoming a victim of elder abuse?
How can elder abuse be prevented?
What should I do if I know that an elder is being abused or if I am a victim of elder abuse?
What can I do if I am abusing an elderly person?
Where can I get more information and help?
9. Murder and homicide: ever more random. What is homicide?
What is murder?
What is serial murder?
What is manslaughter?
How common is murder?
Who is most likely to commit murder?
Who is most likely to be a murder victim?
In what situations is murder most likely to occur?
How are murders committed?
How much murder occurs in families?
Who commits murder in families and who is killed?
How can homicide be prevented?
Where can I get more information and help?
10. Violence and strangers. What is stranger violence?
How common is stranger violence?
Does stranger violence cause serious injury to victims?
What do we know about the strangers who commit violence?
Who is a victim of stranger violence?
In what situations does stranger violence occur?
Are weapons commonly used in stranger violence?
What are bias and hate crimes?
How can I prevent myself from becoming a victim of stranger violence?
Increasing your personal security
Recommendations for security at your workplace
Increasing security at your home
Recommendations for security in your car
Where can I get more information and help?
11. Guns: do they increase or defend against violence? How common are guns in America?
How frequently are guns associated with violent acts?
To what extent are guns involved in unintended injuries?
Who is most likely to be victimized by gun violence and in what situations?
Which guns are used for violence?
Why are there so many guns in America?
Are there nations more armed than America but less violent?
What is the controversy about gun control and the infringement of a constitutional right?
Do gun control policies and laws work?
How can I protect my family from gunshot injuries?
How can I be a more responsible and careful gun owner?
Where can I get more information and help?
12. Violence to oneself: suicide. What are suicides, suicide attempts, and suicide survivors?
How common is suicide?
Who commits suicide?
How is suicide committed?
What causes or precipitates suicide?
What are the warning signs for suicide?
Can suicide be prevented?
What do I do if I think someone I know may be suicidal?
What do I do if I feel suicidal?
How do I cope with the loss of a loved one to suicide?
Where can I get more information and help?
13. Epilogue: social change and the future of violence prevention. A diverse life cycle of strategies for violence prevention
Public health prevention versus criminal justice response: a complementary dichotomy
Engagement and leadership at all levels, across all sectors
Violence as an American "dis-ease"
Appendices. 1. State crime victim compensation and assistance programs
2. References and suggestions for further reading.

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