

pt. 1. lecture 1: Introduction ; lecture 2: What is myth? ; lecture 3: Why is myth? ; lecture 4: "First was Chaos" ; lecture 5: The reign of the Olympians ; lecture 7: Demeter, Persephone, and the conquest of death ; lecture 8: The Eleusinian Mysteries and the afterlife ; lecture 9: Apollo and Artemis ; lecture 10: Hermes and Dionysos ; lecture 11: Laughter-loving Aphrodite ; lecture 12: Culture, pre-history, and the "Great Goddess"
pt. 2. lecture 13: Humans, heroes, and half-gods ; lecture 14: Theseus and the "test-and-quest" myth ; lecture 15: From myth to history and back again ; lecture 16: The greatest hero of all ; lecture 17: The Trojan War ; lecture 18: The terrible House of Atreus ; lecture 19: Blood vengeance, justice, and the Furies ; lecture 20: The tragedies of King Oedipus ; lecture 21: Monstrous females and female monsters ; lecture 22: Roman founders, Roman fables ; lecture 23: "Gods are useful" ; lecture 24: From Ovid to the stars.

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