

pt. 1. Aesthetics and the new Negro
African American representations on stage : minstrel performances and Hurston's dream of a "real" Negro theatre / Mónica González Caldeiro
No Negro Renaissance : Hubert H. Harrison and the role of the new Negro literary critic / Ousmane Kirumu Power-Greene
It's all sacred music : Duke Ellington, from the Cotton Club to the cathedral / Frank A. Salamone
pt. 2. Class and place in Harlem
"So the girl marries" : class, the black press, and the Du Bois-Cullen wedding of 1928 / Jacqueline C. Jones
The meaning and significance of Southern tradition in Rudolph Fisher's stories / Aija Poikāne-Daumke
Back to Harlem : abstract everyday labor during the Harlem Renaissance / Jacob S. Dorman
pt. 3. Literary icons reconsidered
Jessie Redmon Fauset reconsidered / Claire Oberon Garcia
Speak it into existence : James Weldon Johnson's God's trombones and the power of self-definition in the new Negro Harlem Renaissance / McKinley Melton
Border crossings : the diasporic travels of Claude McKay and Zora Neale Hurston / Myriam J.A. Chancy
The search for self in Wallace Thurman's The blacker the berry : color, class, and community / Martha E. Cook
pt. 4. Gender constructions
Jack Johnson, Paul Robeson, and the hypermasculine African American Übermensch / Paula Marie Seniors
Between Black gay men : artistic collaboration and the Harlem Renaissance in Brother to brother / Shawn Anthony Christian
pt. 5. Politics and the new Negro
Perspectives on interwar culture : remapping the new Negro era / Perry Hall
"Harlem globe-trotters" : Black sojourners in Stalin's Soviet Union / Maxim Matusevich

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