Linked e-resources


Is your God really God?
Believing in God
On the "names" of God
The meaning of "God" and the common conception of God
What is salvation?
Salvation versus spiritual materialism
The idolatrous religions
The ban on idolatry
Idolatry as perverse worship
Graven images and the highest one
Idolatry as servility
The rhetoric of idolatrousness
The same God
The Pharisees' problem with Jesus
Could we be idolaters?
Supernaturalism and scientism
Scientism and superstition
Legitimate naturalism
Scientism versus science
The argument for naturalism from true religion
The phenomenological approach
The method and the question
Yahweh's use of the method
A criterion, or an enclosed circle?
Yahweh's criterion applied to himself
Forgiving the God
A reply to Yahweh's answer to Job
Is there an internal criterion of religious falsehood?
The pope's criterion of religious falsehood
A consequence of the pope's criterion
Religious and scientific fallibilism
Why God?
Doesn't substantive reasonableness suffice?
The fall
Homo incurvatus in se
The redeemer?
After monotheism
The highest one
The tetragrammaton
The paradox of the highest one
Speaking of the highest one
Existents as dependent aspects of existence itself
An alternative to the thomistic interpretation of the highest one
Process panentheism
The goodness of the highest one
The analogy of logos
Process panentheism
The self-disclosure of existence itself
The problem is with the pantheon
Panentheism, not pantheism
Distinguishing panentheism and pantheism
Presence as disclosure
Is being almost entirely wasted?
Ubiquitous presence
Against natural representation
Representation and "carrying information"
Can causation account for aboutness?
What could replace the representationalist tradition?
A diagnosis of the representationalist's mistake
A transformed picture of "consciousness" and reality
Confirming the surprising hypothesis
The mind of God
The objectivity of the realm of sense
How the structure of presence might impose evolutionary constraints
Objective mind and the mind of the highest one
The doubly donatory character of reality
Does God exist?
The highest one
Christianity without spiritual materialism
Religion and violence
The Gospel according to Girard
Where is original sinfulness?
Original sinfulness as self-will and false righteousness
Christ destroys the kingdom of self-will and false righteousness
The afterlife as an idolatrous conceit
Against "man's quest for meaning"
The afterlife as resistance to Christ
Naturalism's gift : resurrection without the afterlife.

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