

Hearing problems
1. The day that didn't change everything
2. Listening in the Levant
3. Knowledge wars
4. Lord Balfour, then and now
Beyond super myths : who are the Arabs and what do they want?
5. Super myth one : they're all the same
6. Super myth two : there is no Arab world
7. Super myth three : the angry Arab
8. Super myth four : the lens of Islam
9. Super myth five : immutability , or the frozen camel
Why it matters : blunders, failures, and fallout
10. Iraq : history cuts like a knife
11. Lebanon : hearing half the story
12. Saudi Arabia : their reform, not ours
13. Palestine : a wound in the heart
14. Arab-Americans bridging the divide
Getting it right
15. What government can do
16. What we can do.

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