

1. Introduction. Clarifying previous thinking
A balanced economic development strategy: both labor demand and labor supply policies
The advantages of thinking and acting locally
Why consider early childhood programs and business incentives together?
A road map for this book
2. The nature and importance of local economic development benefits, and how they are affected by labor demand and labor supply. What is local economic development policy?
The importance of local economic development
Economic development: what is it good for? Absolutely nothing except land values?
Hysteresis: an argument for why local job growth development might help workers
But why are jobs said to offer "benefits"? Is there "something special" about jobs?
But why are local jobs so important? After all, I could get those same job opportunities elsewhere
Other possible benefits of local job growth
Where the rubber hits the road: empirical evidence on the effects of increases in local labor demand
Not everyone agrees: the Blanchard-Katz perspective and its policy implications
The zero-sum-game argument: why care about local benefits when what count are national benefits?
If growth provides benefits, why worry about the details?
What are the labor supply policies that affect the quantity or quality of labor supply in a state or local area?
What are the key issues in how early childhood and other labor supply programs affect local economic development benefits?
Two perspectives on the benefits to out-movers
How mobile is the U.S. population?
How will a state or local area's employers respond to a local increase in labor force participation or job skills?
What about the response at the national level?
3. Estimated economic development effects of well-designed business incentive programs. Types of business incentives
Business incentive effects
Financing and design of incentives
Effects of local job growth on local workers
Response to possible objections
4. The economic development effects of high-quality early childhood programs. Context of these three early childhood programs
Summary of economic development benefits
Why you should care about 1 percent effects on earnings
Program description
Modeling economic development effects, part 1: spending
Modeling economic development effects, part 2: state labor market effects of increased labor supply of parents or former child participants
Does this analysis treat early childhood programs fairly compared to business incentives?

5. Design matters: what features of business incentive programs and early childhood programs affect their economic development benefits? Business incentives
Early childhood programs
6. Dealing with the known unknowns: how policymakers should deal with dueling estimates from researchers. Sources of uncertainty
The best response to uncertainty
7. Bringing the future into the present: how policymakers should deal with the delayed benefits of early childhood programs. Discounting
Reducing short-run costs: postponing costs through borrowing
Reducing short-run costs: possible offsets from reduced special education costs
Reducing short-run government costs: financing pre-K out of the K-12 school budget
Increasing short-run benefits through capitalization
Increasing short-term benefits: incorporating parental employment programs into early childhood programs
8. Who benefits? Distributional effects of early childhood programs and business incentives, and their implications for policy. Targeted pre-K versus universal pre-K
Business incentives: who benefits
Prekindergarten (pre-K) education: speculation about possible distributional benefits
Baseline results for distributional effects of universal pre-K
Adding in possible capitalization effects
Alternative distributional assumptions
Targeted versus universal pre-K
Targeting within universalism: universal pre-K with income-graduated fees
The abecedarian program: distributional effects of a large-scale targeted program
The nurse-family partnership: distributional effects of a smaller-scale antipoverty program

9. Locality matters: how economic development benefits vary in diverse local economies. What this chapter is and isn't
The mechanisms by which locality matters
Empirical evidence on variation across states
Empirical evidence on metropolitan areas versus states
Empirical evidence on metropolitan area size
Empirical evidence on metro area growth
10. The national perspective: how local business incentives and early childhood programs affect the national economy. National versus state benefits of business incentives
National versus state benefits of early childhood programs
Macroeconomic benefits or costs from redistributing jobs
Social benefits from more jobs: greater in high-unemployment local economies?
Federalism and business incentives: a policy wonk's perspective
Federalism and business incentives: a practical political perspective
Federalism and early childhood programs: a policy wonk's perspective
Federalism and early childhood programs: a practical political perspective
11. The ethics of early childhood programs and business incentives. The philosophical argument against early childhood programs
The philosophical argument against business incentives
Common elements to the arguments against these government programs
The conceptual case for early childhood programs
Are early childhood programs really opposed to family rights?
The conceptual case for business incentives
12. Extending economic development analysis to other human development programs: education, public health, crime reduction. Methodology
K-12 test scores
Educational attainment
Public health
Reducing crime
13. Thinking and acting locally: what potential is there for local support for high-quality early childhood programs? Early childhood programs and local economic development: how do they fit into the big issues?
What can and should be done locally?
Is local action really politically feasible?
New thinking about early childhood programs and local economic development.

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