

Contesting politics as usual : Black social movements, globalization, and race policy in Latin America / Tianna S. Paschel and Mark Q. Sawyer
Multiethnic nations and cultural citizenship : proposals from the Afro-descendant movement in Ecuador / Jhon Antón Sánchez
The Black movement in Panama : a historical and political interpretation, 1994-2004 / George Priestley and Alberto Barrow
The liberation imperative of Black genocide : blueprints from the African diaspora in the Americas / João H. Costa Vargas
Transnational Black feminism in the twenty-first century : perspectives from Brazil / Kia Lilly Caldwell
The emergence and evolving character of contemporary Afro-Bolivian mobilization : from the performative to the political / Sara Busdiecker
Afro-descendant struggles for collective rights in Latin America / Juliet Hooker
Indians of African descent : history and contemporary experience / Beheroze Shroff
Taking on empires : reparations, the right of return, and the people of Diego Garcia / David Vine
Fightback : the movement against racial profiling in Europe / Clarence Lusane
Rethinking global justice : Black women resist the transnational prison-industrial complex / Julia Sudbury
Reconstituting political genealogies : reflections on youth, racial justice, and the uses of history / Ana Aparicio
New forms : the political potential of hip-hop / Raymond Codrington
Eco-apartheid and global greenwaves : African diasporic environmental justice movements / Melissa Checker
Sista' friends and other allies : domestic workers united and coalition politics / Premilla Nadasen
Barack Obama and the contours of African American social protest movements / Manning Marable
New social movements in Nubian identity among Nubians in Egypt, Sudan, and the United States / Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban and Richard A. Lobban.

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