TY - BOOK AB - This book shows how present educational policies and practices to educate language minority students in the United States ignore an essential characteristic- their emergent bilingualism. In this guide, the authors compile the most up-to-date research findings to demonstrate how ignoring children's bilingualism perpetuates inequities in their schooling.--[book cover] AU - GarcĂ­a, Ofelia. AU - Kleifgen, Jo Anne. CN - LC3715 CN - LC3715 CY - New York : DA - c2010. ID - 352873 KW - Education, Bilingual. KW - English language KW - English language KW - Second language acquisition. N2 - This book shows how present educational policies and practices to educate language minority students in the United States ignore an essential characteristic- their emergent bilingualism. In this guide, the authors compile the most up-to-date research findings to demonstrate how ignoring children's bilingualism perpetuates inequities in their schooling.--[book cover] PB - Teachers College Press, PP - New York : PY - c2010. SN - 9780807751138 (pbk. : alk. paper) SN - 0807751138 (pbk. : alk. paper) SN - 9780807751145 (alk. paper) SN - 0807751146 (alk. paper) T1 - Educating emergent bilinguals :policies, programs, and practices for English language learners / TI - Educating emergent bilinguals :policies, programs, and practices for English language learners / ER -