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Table of Contents
Interim superintendent in Central Falls
The obstacles to success in an inner-city school
A jaded perception of urban schools
An urban principal questions dropout figures
Residential instability among Latinos
The role of poverty
The need for better teaching
The blame game
The unique city of Central Falls
Central Falls High School today
An agenda for change
The URI-Central Falls High School partnership
A severe bump in the road
Central Falls students
Theresa Agonia : overcoming adversity
Bryant Estrada : an independent thinker
Guillermo Ronquillo : the importance of faith
George Carle : a basketball dream
The obstacles to success in an inner-city school
A jaded perception of urban schools
An urban principal questions dropout figures
Residential instability among Latinos
The role of poverty
The need for better teaching
The blame game
The unique city of Central Falls
Central Falls High School today
An agenda for change
The URI-Central Falls High School partnership
A severe bump in the road
Central Falls students
Theresa Agonia : overcoming adversity
Bryant Estrada : an independent thinker
Guillermo Ronquillo : the importance of faith
George Carle : a basketball dream