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For elementary schools. What does family mean to you? : constructing an electronic big book / Nancy P. Gallavan and Casey Juliano ; Theodore Roosevelt : promoting the common good in mind and action / Carolyn O'Mahony and Donna Shaba ; Walking back in time : local history explorations / Sharon A. Edwards and Robert W. Maloy ; Got lemonade? : economics in the palm of your hand / Mark van't Hooft and Kadee Anstadt ; Westward ho! / Lori Mathys ; Chuck wagons, cowboys, and cattle drives / Judith A. Hakes, Marilyn Eisenwine and Sandra Pedersen ; Mr. Money and money matters / Patty Palmer and Anne Jeschke ; Littlest laborers : one hundred years of child labor / Paula S. Marron and Diane Provvido ; Standard of living around the world : from analysis to action / Andrea Libresco and Karen Phua
For middle schools. Daily life in ancient Rome / Lynne Kirby, Kati Linn and George Lipscomb ; Geography sleuths : using primary documents to develop critical thinking skills / Elaine Lawrence and Megan Tweedie ; Why did they do it? : what were the purposes of Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery expedition? / Cynthia Szymanski Sunal, Dennis W. Sunal and Melinda Odom Staubs ; Engaging the community in Civil War studies with digital video / Andrew Stotz, Savilla Banister and John Fischer ; What is the best way to govern a nation? / Jason Endacott ; Engaging midlevel learners in children's issues around the world / Gayle Thieman and Kyle Evans ; Who cares about state government? : using the Internet to research state legislative issues / Joe O'Brien, Jeff Strickland and Aaron Grill ; The Youth Vote Initiative / Hilary Landorf and Anthony Reid ; The War of 1812 / David Calhoun and Simon Meshbesher ; Geography in action : locating a site for a video and game rental store / Frederick W. Koehl

[cont.] For high schools. Erie Canal WebQuest / Darci Mitchell, Tom Darrow and Barbara Stern ; Ex nihilo : creating a civilization / Robert Coven and Bill Velto ; Comparing and contrasting U.S. presidential campaign ads from the Cold War / Brian Collins, Rand Spiro and Aparna Ramchandran ; Lights, camera, action : using digital movies to study history / Cheryl Mason Bolick and Eddie Gray ; Beg and borrow : a consumer credit case application / Spencer Morrison ; American Revolution : a digital timeline analysis / Ann-Marie Peirano, Vivian H. Wright and Elizabeth K. Wilson ; The saffron scourge : society, politics and disease / Diane Luke and Ann Winkler ; Using documentary films to explore and preserve our past / Perry McLeod and Charles Vaughan ; The end of optimism? : the Great Depression in Europe / Melissa Lisanti ... [et al.] ; Would the real conservationist please stand up? / Kevin Richins and Tim Keiper ; Presidential hostage crisis simulation : an interdisciplinary case study / Eliot Waxman and Erica Jacobs
Tools and techniques. Classroom management / Monica Beglau ; Internet safety and digital literacy strategies for the social studies classroom / Carolyn E. Walpole ; Software selection : finding a needle in the haystack / Linda C. Unger ; Using digital images in the social studies classroom / Lynn Bell ; Podcasting in the social studies classroom / Glen Bull, Thomas Hammond, and Patrice Grimes
Appendix 1 : the ten themes of social studies
Appendix 2 : national educational technology standards for students
Appendix 3 : NCSS technology position statement and guidelines.

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