Table of Contents
Introduction: And God Said
Go Forth
God of Our Fathers
In the Land of Canaan
Take Now Thy Son
A Pillow of Stones
A Coat of Many Colors
On the Banks of the Nile
And They Made Their Lives Bitter
A Wall of Water
The Great And Terrible Wilderness
A Land of Fiery Snakes and Scorpions
On Holy Ground
The God-Trodden Mountain
The Land That Devours Its People
And the Earth Opened Its Mouth
The Land of Milk and Honey
Toward the Promised Land
The Wars of the Lord
Half as Old as Time
Sunrise in the Palm of the Lord
And the People Believed
Take These Words.
Go Forth
God of Our Fathers
In the Land of Canaan
Take Now Thy Son
A Pillow of Stones
A Coat of Many Colors
On the Banks of the Nile
And They Made Their Lives Bitter
A Wall of Water
The Great And Terrible Wilderness
A Land of Fiery Snakes and Scorpions
On Holy Ground
The God-Trodden Mountain
The Land That Devours Its People
And the Earth Opened Its Mouth
The Land of Milk and Honey
Toward the Promised Land
The Wars of the Lord
Half as Old as Time
Sunrise in the Palm of the Lord
And the People Believed
Take These Words.