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La composition de Jérémie LXX d'après les divisions du Codex Vaticanus (B) / Christian Amphoux et Arnaud Sérandour
Cantique 2,17 dans l'Épitomé de Procope / Jean-Marie Auwers
The Greek Bible among Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages : the evidence of Codex Ambrosianus / Cameron Boyd-Taylor
New Hexaplaric data for the Book of Canticles as discovered in the Catenae / Reinhart Ceulemans
The theology of Job as revealed in his replies to his friends in the Septuagint translation / Mario Cimosa and Gillian Bonney
Semantic considerations and the provenance of translated units / Johann Cook
Euripides und das Alte Testament zum überlieferungsgeschichtlichen Horizont der Septuaginta / Evangelia G. Dafni
Translation equivalence in the prologue to Greek Ben Sirach / Dries de Crom
Jewish transmission of Greek Bible versions / Nicholas de Lange
Quelques cas de disparition du thème de l'eau dans la LXX / Cécile Dogniez
Special problems in the Septuagint text history of Ecclesiastes / Peter J. Gentry
Theodoret of Cyrus's philological remarks in his Commentary to Ezekiel / Katrin Hauspie
Septuagint textual criticism and the computer : 4 Maccabees as a test case / Robert J.V. Hiebert and Nathaniel N. Dykstra
The Jerusalem Temple seen in 2 Samuel according to the Masoretic text and the Septuagint / Philippe Hugo
The impact of the Septuagint Pentateuch on the Greek Psalms / Jan Joosten
Textvarianten in den Daniel-Legenden als Zeugnisse mündlicher Tradierung? / Edgar Kellenberger
Servant or slave? : the various equivalents of Hebrew ʻebed in the Septuagint of the Pentateuch / Arie van der Kooij
Towards the Old Greek : new criteria for the analysis of the recensions of the Septuagint (especially the Antiochene/Lucianic text and kaige recension) / Siegfried Kreuzer
The Constantinople Pentateuch within the context of Septuagint studies / Julia G. Krivoruchko
The translation of Symmachus in 1 Kings (3 Kingdoms) / Timothy M. Law
Recension and revision : speaking the same language with special attention to Lucian and Kaige / R. Timothy McLay
Bridge over troubled waters? : the [gephyra] in the Old Greek of Isaiah 37:25 and contemporary Greek sources / Michaël N. van der Meer
Dionysus and the Letter of Aristeas / James M. Scott
Translation technique and translation studies : the problem of translation universals / Raija Sollamo
Translating the Greek text of Jeremiah / Georg Walser.

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