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Introduction : recipes for revolution
1. "34,000,000,000 work-hours" saved : convenience foods and mom's home cooking
2. "Unnatural, unclean, and filthy" : Chinese-American cooking literature confronting racism in the 1950s
3. "All those leftovers are hard on the family's morale" : rebellion in Peg Bracken's The I hate to cook book
4. "Boredom is quite out of the picture" : women's natural foods cookbooks and social change
5. "More American than apple pie" : modern African-American cookbooks fighting white stereotypes
6. "You can't get trashier" : white trash cookbooks and social class
7. "Dining on grass and shrubs" : making vegan food sexy
8. Thin is not in : Two Fat Ladies and gender stereotypes on the food network.

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