

Barnlund, D. C. Communication: the context of change.
Schramm, W. How communication works.
Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J., and Jackson D. Some tentative axioms of communication.
Condon, J. C., Jr. When people talk with people.
Goffman, E. Facial engagements.
Mehrabian, A. Communication without words.
Argyle, M. Eye-contact.
Frank, L. K. Tactile communication.
McLuhan, M. The medium is the message.
Clevenger, T., Jr. and Matthews, J. Feedback 153.
Katz, E. On reopening the question of selectivity in exposure to mass communications.
Katz, D. and Khan, R. L. Communication: the flow of information.
Klapper, J. T. The social effects of mass communication.
Hamachek, D. E. Encounters with the self.
Argyle, M. Self-image and self-esteem.
Kinch, J. W. A formalized theory of the self-concept.
Benn, D. J. The cognitive foundations of beliefs.
Argyle, M. The meeting of personalities.
Hastorf, A. H., Schneider, D. J., and Polefka, J. The perception of people.
Berscheid, E. and Walster, E. H. Rewards others provide: propinquity.
Zimbardo, P. and Ebbesen, E. B. The influence of source credibility on communication effectiveness.
Gibb, J. R. Defensive communication.
Hall, E. T. and Whyte, W. F. Intercultural communication.
Hall, E. T. Proxemics in a cross-cultural context: Germans, English, and French. Adumbration as a feature of intercultural communication.
Farson, R. E. The reverse transmission of culture.

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