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Table of Contents
1. History as Imagination
Views from the Shore. 2. Imagining the Other: First Encounters in North America. 3. The Exploration of Norumbega: Native Perspectives. 4. Native Reactions to the Invasion of America
Encounters Light and Dark. 5. The First Consumer Revolution. 6. Agents of Change: Jesuits in the Post-Columbian World. 7. Humor in Ethnohistory
1492 and Beyond. 8. Europeans, Indians, and the Age of Discovery in American History Textbooks. 9. The Columbian Mosaic in Colonial America. 10. Moral Reflections on the Columbian Legacy. 11. Beyond 1992.
Views from the Shore. 2. Imagining the Other: First Encounters in North America. 3. The Exploration of Norumbega: Native Perspectives. 4. Native Reactions to the Invasion of America
Encounters Light and Dark. 5. The First Consumer Revolution. 6. Agents of Change: Jesuits in the Post-Columbian World. 7. Humor in Ethnohistory
1492 and Beyond. 8. Europeans, Indians, and the Age of Discovery in American History Textbooks. 9. The Columbian Mosaic in Colonial America. 10. Moral Reflections on the Columbian Legacy. 11. Beyond 1992.