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Theorizing affect's effects / W. Russell Neuman ... [et al.]
Philosophical psychology with political intent / Michael A. Neblo
Political cognition as social cognition : are we all political sophisticates? / Darren Schreiber
Emotional processing and political judgment : toward integrating political psychology and decision neuroscience / Michael L. Spezio, Ralph Adolphs
The primacy of affect in political evaluations / Dan Cassino, Milton Lodge
The third way : the theory of affective intelligence and American democracy / Michael MacKuen ... [et al.]
Affective intelligence and voting : information processing and learning in a campaign / David P. Redlawsk, Andrew J. W. Civettini, Richard R. Lau
Identities, interests, and emotions : symbolic versus material wellsprings of fear, anger, and enthusiasm / Ted Brader, Nicholas A. Valentino

On the distinct political effects of anxiety and anger / Leonie Huddy, Stanley Feldman, Erin Cassese
Don't give up hope : emotions, candidate appraisals, and votes / Marion R. Just, Ann N. Crigler, Todd L. Belt
The road to public surveillance : breeching attention thresholds / Doris Graber
Meaning, cultural symbols, and campaign strategies / David C. Leege, Kenneth D. Wald
Testing some implications of affective intelligence theory at the aggregate level / Peter F. Nardulli, James H. Kuklinski
Politics and the equilibrium of fear : can strategies and emotions interact? / Arthur Lupia, Jesse O. Menning
The affect effect in the very real world of political campaigns / Dan Schnur
Cognitive neuroscience and politics : next steps / Rose McDermott.

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