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Table of Contents
Introduction : Mapping private spheres in the Soviet context / Lewis H. Siegelbaum
Claiming property : the Soviet-era private plots as "women's turf" / Esther Kingston-Mann
The art market and the construction of Soviet Russian culture / Andrew Jenks
Separate yet governed : the representation of Soviet property relations in civil law and public discourse / Charles Hachten
Cars, cars, and more cars : the Faustian bargain of the Brezhnev era / Lewis H. Siegelbaum
Domestic life and the activist wife in the 1930s Soviet Union / Rebecca Balmas Neary
A hearth for a dog : the paradoxes of Soviet pet keeping / Amy Nelson
The meaning of home : "the only bit of the world you can have to yourself" / Susan E. Reid
"I know all the secrets of my neighbors" : the quest for privacy in the era of the separate apartment / Steven E. Harris
Private matters or public crimes : the emergence of domestic hooliganism in the Soviet Union, 1939-1966 / Brian LaPierre
A symbiosis of errors : the personal, professional, and political in the Kirov region, 1931-1941 / Larry E. Holmes
Friends in private, friends in public : the phenomenon of the Kompaniia among Soviet youth in the 1950s and 1960s / Juliane Fürst
The 1959 Liriki-Fiziki debate : going public with the private? / Susan Costanzo.
Claiming property : the Soviet-era private plots as "women's turf" / Esther Kingston-Mann
The art market and the construction of Soviet Russian culture / Andrew Jenks
Separate yet governed : the representation of Soviet property relations in civil law and public discourse / Charles Hachten
Cars, cars, and more cars : the Faustian bargain of the Brezhnev era / Lewis H. Siegelbaum
Domestic life and the activist wife in the 1930s Soviet Union / Rebecca Balmas Neary
A hearth for a dog : the paradoxes of Soviet pet keeping / Amy Nelson
The meaning of home : "the only bit of the world you can have to yourself" / Susan E. Reid
"I know all the secrets of my neighbors" : the quest for privacy in the era of the separate apartment / Steven E. Harris
Private matters or public crimes : the emergence of domestic hooliganism in the Soviet Union, 1939-1966 / Brian LaPierre
A symbiosis of errors : the personal, professional, and political in the Kirov region, 1931-1941 / Larry E. Holmes
Friends in private, friends in public : the phenomenon of the Kompaniia among Soviet youth in the 1950s and 1960s / Juliane Fürst
The 1959 Liriki-Fiziki debate : going public with the private? / Susan Costanzo.