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Table of Contents
Cites/sites of violence
Torments and obscenities
Neobaroque debris
The congealment of the pose and urban velocities
Dismantlings of identity, perversion of codes
The academic citation and its others
Antidiscipline, transdiscipline, and the redisciplining of knowledge
The graphic model of an advertising identity
Turbulence, anachronism, and degenerations
Gender, values, and difference(s)
Take the sky by assault : political transgression and flight of metaphors
For love of art : critical ruptures and flights of fancy.
Cites/sites of violence
Torments and obscenities
Neobaroque debris
The congealment of the pose and urban velocities
Dismantlings of identity, perversion of codes
The academic citation and its others
Antidiscipline, transdiscipline, and the redisciplining of knowledge
The graphic model of an advertising identity
Turbulence, anachronism, and degenerations
Gender, values, and difference(s)
Take the sky by assault : political transgression and flight of metaphors
For love of art : critical ruptures and flights of fancy.