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Self-reference in the media / Winfried Nöth
Distortion, fabrication, and disclosure in a self-referential culture / Vincent Colapietro
Modes of self-reference in advertising / Siegfried J. Schmidt
Metapictures and self-referential pictures / Winfried Nöth
Absolut anonymous / Nina Bishara
The death of photography in self-reference / Winfried Nöth
Marilyn / Kay Kirchmann
The self-reflexive screen / Gloria Withalm
Nostalgia of the media in the media / Andreas Böhn
Self-reference in animated films / Jan Siebert
On the use of self-disclosure as a mode of audiovisual reflexivity / Fernando Andacht
The old in the new / Joan K. Bleicher
There's no business without show-business / Karin Pühringer and Gabriele Siegert
Computer games / Lucia Santaella
Self-reference in computer games / Bo Kampmann Walther
Metacommunication in play and in (computer) games / Britta Neitzel
Self-reflexivity in computer games / Bernhard Rapp
Looking through the computer screen / Marie-Laure Ryan
The artist and her bodily self / Christina Ljungberg
Metafiction and metamusic / Werner Wolf.

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