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Portuguese: corpora, coordination and agreement / Doug Arnold, Louisa Sadler and Aline Villavicencio
Contributing to the extraction/parenthesis debate / Katrin Axel and Tanja Kiziak
Quantifying quantifier scope / Oliver Bott and Janina Radó
Is syntactic knowledge probabilistic? / Joan Bresnan
Psycholinguistic perspectives on grammatical representations / Harald Clahsen
Early language separation / Elena Dieser
I need data which I can rely on / Thomas Hoffman
Locality and accessibility in WH-questions / Philip Hofmeister ... [et al.]
Eye tracking as a tool to investigate the comprehension of referential expressions / Anke Karabanov, Peter Bosch, and Peter König
Corpus data and experimental results as prosodic evidence / Denisa Lenertová and Stefan Sudhoff
The retrieval and classification of negative polarity items using statistical profiles / Timm Lichte and Jan-Philipp Soehn
Geographic distributions of linguistic variation reflect dynamics of differentiation / John Nerbonne and Wilbert Heeringa
Focus and verb order in early new high german / Christopher D. Sapp
Contrastive topics in pairing answers / Stavros Skopeteas and Caroline Féry
Coordinate structures / Ilona Steiner
Adverbs and sentence topics in processing English / Britta Stolterfoht, Lyn Frazier, and Charles Clifton, Jr.

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