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Table of Contents
Machine generated contents note: Section I - Towards a Definition of Miscommunication: A Theoretical Approach
1. MaCHT - Miscommunication as CHance Theory: Toward a Unitary Theory of
Communication and Miscommunication, L. Anolli 3
2. Semantic Transparency, Semantic Opacity, States of Affairs, Mental States and
Speech Acts, A. Reboul 43
Section II - Pretending to Communicate: Deception, Seduction and
3. Deceptive Miscommunication Theory (DeMiT): A New Model for the Analysis
of Deceptive Communication, L. Anolli, M. Balconi and R. Ciceri 73
4. Seductive Communication: Paradoxical Exhibition, Obliquity and Non Verbal
Synchronization, R. Ciceri 101
5. The Meaning of Expression: Views from Art and Other Sources,
J.-M. Fernndez-Dols, P. Carrera and C. Casado 117
Section III - Communicate to Pretend: Irony and Humor
6. "You're a Real Genius!": Irony as a Miscommunication Design, L. Anolli,
M.G. Infantino and R. Ciceri 135
7. Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection,
S. Attardo 159
8. The Risks and Rewards of Ironic Communication, R. W. Gibbs and
H.L. Colston 181
Section IV - Communicate in Pretending: Computer Mediated Communication
9. Communicating in CMC: Making Order Out of Miscommunication, G. Riva 197
10. Cyber-Attraction: The Emergence of Computer-Mediated Communication in
the Development of Interpersonal Relationships, F. Mantovani 229
11. Ambiguous Self-Identification and Sincere Communication in CMC,
E.A. Mabry 247.
1. MaCHT - Miscommunication as CHance Theory: Toward a Unitary Theory of
Communication and Miscommunication, L. Anolli 3
2. Semantic Transparency, Semantic Opacity, States of Affairs, Mental States and
Speech Acts, A. Reboul 43
Section II - Pretending to Communicate: Deception, Seduction and
3. Deceptive Miscommunication Theory (DeMiT): A New Model for the Analysis
of Deceptive Communication, L. Anolli, M. Balconi and R. Ciceri 73
4. Seductive Communication: Paradoxical Exhibition, Obliquity and Non Verbal
Synchronization, R. Ciceri 101
5. The Meaning of Expression: Views from Art and Other Sources,
J.-M. Fernndez-Dols, P. Carrera and C. Casado 117
Section III - Communicate to Pretend: Irony and Humor
6. "You're a Real Genius!": Irony as a Miscommunication Design, L. Anolli,
M.G. Infantino and R. Ciceri 135
7. Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection,
S. Attardo 159
8. The Risks and Rewards of Ironic Communication, R. W. Gibbs and
H.L. Colston 181
Section IV - Communicate in Pretending: Computer Mediated Communication
9. Communicating in CMC: Making Order Out of Miscommunication, G. Riva 197
10. Cyber-Attraction: The Emergence of Computer-Mediated Communication in
the Development of Interpersonal Relationships, F. Mantovani 229
11. Ambiguous Self-Identification and Sincere Communication in CMC,
E.A. Mabry 247.