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Presidental address : the city of Babel and Assyrian imperialism : Genesis 11:1-9 interpreted in light of Mesopotamian sources / Arie van der Kooij
The twelve Minor Prophets and the Dead Sea Scrolls / George J. Brooke
La reconstruction du Temple selon la Septante de Zacharie / Cécile Dogniez
Die Textgeschichte der Königsbücher und ihre Konsequenzen für die Textgeschichte der hebräischen Bibel, illustriert am Beispiel von 2 Kön 23:1-3 / Adrian Schenker
Beersheba Valley archaeology and its implications for the biblical record / Zeev Herzog
Die Geschichte der Abrahamüberlieferung / Matthias Köckert
The Temple library of Jerusalem and the composition of the book of Kings / Nadav Naʾaman
Der reissende Wolf : Josua in Überlieferung und Geschichte / Ed Noort
"God" in Old Testament theology / Graham I. Davies
Scribes inspirés et écrits céleste / Jean-Marie Husser
Rhyme and reason : the historical résumé in Israelite and early Jewish thought / Carol A Newsom
Anciens et modernes face au Cantique des cantiques : un impossible dialogue? / Jean-Marie Auwers
Biblical exegesis, cognitive linguistics, and hypertext / Christo H.J. van der Merwe
The manumission of hermeneutics : the slave laws of the Pentateuch as a challenge to contemporary Pentateuchal theory / Bernard M. Levinson
The role and significance of dbry ḥpṣ (Qoh. 12:10a) for understanding Qohet / J.S.Y. Pahk
Towards an integrated approach in biblical studies, illustrated with a dialogue between Job 28 and Job 38 / Ellen van Wolde
Reading the Pentateuch as counter-text : a new interpretation of Genesis 1:14-19 / J. Severino Croatto
Lire la Bible dans le contexte africain : approche et perspectives / André Kabasele Mukenge
The cross-textual method and the J stories in Genesis in light of a Chinese philosophical text / Craig Y.S. Ho
Responses to Kabasele Mukenge and Craig Y.S. Ho / John Barton.

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