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Introduction / Clifford Winston and Ginés de Rus
Part one: The United States and continental Europe
Delayed! U.S. aviation infrastructure policy at a crossroads / Steven A. Morrison and Clifford Winston
The European Union : evolution of privatization, regulation, and slot reform / David Gillen and Hans-Martin Niemeier
Part two: Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Canada
Airport policy in Australia and New Zealand : privatization, light-handed regulation, and performance / Peter Forsyth
Airport planning and regulation in the United Kingdom / Anne Graham
Airport policy in Canada : limitations of the not-for-profit governance model / Michael W. Tretheway and Robert Andriulaitis
Part three: China and developing countries
Airport policy and performance in mainland China and Hong Kong / Anming Zhang and Andrew Yuen
Air transportation infrastructure in developing countries : privatization and deregulation / Kenneth Button
Synthesis and conclusions / Clifford Winston and Ginés de Rus.

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