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War and violence in the Old Testament world : various views / Eben Scheffler
The world's first murder : violence and justice in Genesis 4:1-16 / Eric Peels
The enemies in the headings of the Psalms : a comparison ofJewish and Christian interpretation / Herrie F. van Rooy
Disputes about the calendar in Jewish apocalyptic literature and its basis / Marius Nel
Animosity in Targumic literature / Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman
Domestic violence in the ancient world : preliminary considerations and the problem of wife-beating / John T. Fitzgerald
Animosity against Jewish and pagan magic in the Acts of the Apostles / Rainer G. H. Reuter
Paul and the others : insiders, outsiders, and animosity / Jeremy Punt
Switching universes : moving from a cosmology of fear and animosity to one of reconciliation in Colossians / J.J. Fritz Kruger
Useless commandment : animosity toward the earlier covenant in Hebrews / Outi Lepp
No retaliation! : an ethical analysis of the exhortation in 1 Peter 3:9 not to repay evil with evil / Fika J. van Rensburg
Animosity in the Johannine Epistles : a difference in the interpretation of a shared tradition / Dirk G. van der Merwe
Hostility against the wealth of Babylon : Revelation 17:1-19:10 / Paul B. Decock
Animosity and (voluntary) martyrdom : the power of the powerless / Henk Bakker
Assessment-animosity, the Bible, and us : a few tentative remarks / Herrie F. van Rooy.

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