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Preface. Get ready for state-of-the-art networking
The time is right
Are you ready?
The contacts count networking system
pt. I. Survey your skills and mindset
1. Assess your skills
Observing the "netiquette"
Assessing your comfort level
Being strategic
Meeting people
Using networking organizations
Making the most of events
Achieving bottom-line results
Following through
Check your results
Next steps
2. Change your mindset
Come in from the cold
The ten biggest misconceptions about networking
Ten turnoffs in the language of networking
You say you're shy?
Catch your critic
Convert your critic into your coach
Believe the best about yourself and others
Bonus : know your style

pt. II. Set your strategy
3. Teach trust
Move from taking to trusting
Teach that you can be trusted
The trust matrix
Avoid manipulation
4. Develop your relationships
Move through the six stages
The next move is up to you
Rate your relationships
Have questions about the A's?
5. Go with your goals
Size your project to match your goal
Check out your choices
Assess your network
Plan your strategic positioning project
Bonus : get off to a good start

pt. III. Sharpen your skills
6. Know the "netiquette"
Enter enthusiastically
Brighten up your body language
ENGAGE your partner
Tune up your tone of voice
Consider closeness
Watch what you put in your mouth
Treat touching as taboo
Forego flirting
Pay your way
Exchange business cards effectively
Join groups comfortably
Bonus : ten tips on the nuances of "netiquette"
7. Avoid the top twenty turn-offs
8. "Who are you?"
Why remembering names is hard
Learn someone's name
Teach your name
Try these twenty tips
Break up bunches of introductions
Deal skillfully with forgotten names
Give yourself a tagline
Yes, mind your manners
The introduction rule : FIRST IS FOREMOST
9. "What do you do?"
Why most answers bomb
Make the right things happen
Give it your BEST
Be interesting
Try these tips
Read these frequently asked questions
10. "What are we going to talk about?"
Listen for your cue
Use success stories to tell what's new
Figure out your agenda
Begin with the right side
What do you have to give?
What do you want to get?
Give and get with ease
Practice agenda-making
Go Public with your agenda
Exchange something
11. Make conversation flow
Listen generously
Use your EARS
How listening generously pays off
Be seriously curious
Tell success stories
Construct your story carefully
Sample these stories
People want to know...
12. End with the future in mind
Prepare for the next time
Listen for the bell
Eight ways to leave
A ritual for leave-taking
Do you have questions?
13. Follow through
Focus on follow through
Figure out your reasons to reconnect
Face your fears
Fill in the blanks on your calendar
The five goals of follow through
Freshen up your relationships
Find the way
Bonus : five more ingenious ways to fit in follow through

pt. IV. Select your settings
14. Network at work
Got the right word?
Bank on the benefits
Ten ways to get on board quickly
Assess your corporate culture
How strong is your inside network?
Map out a plan
Pair up with peers
Avoid erroneous assumptions
Overcome the barriers
Bonus : after organizational earthquakes, rebuild your network
15. Make it rain clients
What people think
Professionalize your practice development
Make conversations count
What's one conversation worth?
Create constellations
Cross-sell your clients
Make asking for referrals a ritual
16. (Net)work from home
Tune in to the trends
Conquer the challenges
Link up your life and your livelihood
Bonus : create a constellation
17. Make the most of your memberships
Size your network to fit your needs
Link up one-on-one
Access anybody
Join groups
Choose groups strategically
Understand the hierarchy
Know the group before you join
Orchestrate who knows you
The twelve biggest mistakes members make
Jump right in
18. Rev up referral groups
See how they run
Shop around
Check it out
Don't just join, join in
Start small
Spice up the meetings
Start your own
19. Connect at conventions
Expand your expectations
Get ready, get set : before you go
Show up at the conference
Follow up after you get home
Later on, get re-inspired
Bonus : plan meetings that get people talking
20. Jump-start your job hunt
Use the contacts count networking system
Twenty-five tactics to find a job fast
Bonus : manage your strategy support group.

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