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Table of Contents
Introduction: periodizing collectivism / Blake Stimson and Gregory Sholette
Internationaleries: collectivism, the grotesque, and Cold War functionalism / Jelena Stojanovic
After the "descent to the everyday": Japanese collectivism from Hi Red Center to The Play, 1964-1973 / Reiko Tomii
Art & language and the international form in Anglo-American collectivism / Chris Gilbert
The collective camcorder in art and activism / Jesse Drew
Performing revolution: Arte Calle, Grupo Provisional, and the response to the Cuban National Crisis, 1986-1989 / Rachel Weiss
The Mexican Pentagon: adventures in collectivism during the 1970s / Rubén Gallo
Artists' collectives: focus on New York, 1975-2000 / Alan W. Moore
The production of social space as artwork: protocols of community in the work of Le Groupe Amos and Huit Facettes / Okwui Enwezor
Beyond representation and affiliation: collective action in post-Soviet Russia / Irina Aristarkhova
Do-it-yourself geopolitics: cartographies of art in the world / Brian Holmes.
Internationaleries: collectivism, the grotesque, and Cold War functionalism / Jelena Stojanovic
After the "descent to the everyday": Japanese collectivism from Hi Red Center to The Play, 1964-1973 / Reiko Tomii
Art & language and the international form in Anglo-American collectivism / Chris Gilbert
The collective camcorder in art and activism / Jesse Drew
Performing revolution: Arte Calle, Grupo Provisional, and the response to the Cuban National Crisis, 1986-1989 / Rachel Weiss
The Mexican Pentagon: adventures in collectivism during the 1970s / Rubén Gallo
Artists' collectives: focus on New York, 1975-2000 / Alan W. Moore
The production of social space as artwork: protocols of community in the work of Le Groupe Amos and Huit Facettes / Okwui Enwezor
Beyond representation and affiliation: collective action in post-Soviet Russia / Irina Aristarkhova
Do-it-yourself geopolitics: cartographies of art in the world / Brian Holmes.