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Lexicalized meaning and the internal temporal structure of events / Malka Rappaport Hovav
Telicity, atomicity, and the Vendler classification of verbs / Susan Rothstein
Aspects of a typology of direction / Joost Zwarts
1066: on the differences between the tense-perspective-aspect systems of English and Dutch / Fred Landman
Tenses for the living and the dead: lifetime inferences reconsidered / Anita Mittwoch
Formal and informal semantics of telicity / Elena Paducheva and Mati Pentus
Events and maximalization: the case of telicity and perfectivity / Hana Filip
Aspect and bounded quantity complements in Russian / Hans Robert Mehlig
Negation, intensionality, and aspect: interaction with NP semantics / Barbara H. Partee
Habituality and the habitual aspect / Nora Boneh and Edit Doron
Aspectual universals of temporal anaphora / Maria Bittner
The syntax and semantics of change/transition: evidence from Mandarin Chinese / Hooi Ling Soh
Bare nouns and telicity in Japanese / Keiko Yoshida.

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