

So, what is music, anyway?
What is perfect pitch and do I have it?
Notes and noises
Xylophones and saxophones : same notes but different sounds
Instrumental break
How loud is loud?
Harmony and cacophony
Weighing up scales
The self-confident major and the emotional minor
I got rhythm
Making music
Listening to music
Fiddly details. Naming and identifying intervals ; Using the Decibel system ; Tuning an instrument to the pentatonic scale ; Calculating equal temperament ; The notes of the major keys.

Accompanying CD: How to get different sounds from a guitar string
Can you guess what this instrument is?
Why some notes clash and others get along together
Different ways to accompany a tune
Ancient and modern scales
3,000-year-old music : ancient harp tuning
The horrible out-of-tune bamboo whistle
Confident majors and emotional minors
How to bring tears to the eyes of the audience
The magnificent drinking-straw oboe.

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