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Introduction / Ursula Stephany and Maria D. Voeikova
Early nominal morphology in Turkish : emergence of case and number / F. Nihan Ketrez and Ayhan Aksu-Koc̦
Acquisiton of case and plural in Finnish / Klaus Laalo
The acquisition of numeral classifiers and optional plural marking in Yucatec Maya / Barbara Pfeiler
The early development of case and number in Estonian / Reili Argus
The acquisition of case, number and gender in Croatian / Melita Kovačević, Marijan Palmović, and Gordana Hržica
Acquisition of case and number in Russian / Natalia Gagarina and Maria D. Voeikova
The emergence of nominal inflection in Greek / Ursula Stephany and Anastasia Christofidou
The acquisition of number and case in Austrian German nouns / Katharina Korecky-Kröll and Wolfgang U. Dressler
The emergence of nominal number in Italian / Sabrina Noccetti
Number morphology in Spanish first language acquisition / Carmen Aguirre and Victoria Marrero
Relations between the development of the category of nominal and verbal number in two French-speaking children / Marianne Kilani-Schoch
Noun plurals in early Palestinian Arabic : a longitudinal case study / Dorit Ravid and Rola Farah
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