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Introduction / Andreas Dufter, Jürg Fleischer and Guido Seiler
Parameter-based and minimalist approaches
Methodological considerations on grammar variation: the right periphery as an OV/VO deciding parameter more so than the left periphery: gradience in the verb cluster / Werner Abraham
Variation as lexical choice: have, got and the expression of possession / Faye Chalcraft
Variation in Icelandic morphosyntax / Thórhallur Eythórsson and Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson
Constraint-based approaches
The predicative as a source of grammatical variation / Judith Berman
Morphological variation: a declarative approach / Martin Neef
Different notions of variation and their reflexes in Swiss German relativization / Martin Salzmann
From documentation to grammatical description: prepositional phrases in Ruhrdeutsch / René Schiering
Usage-based, construction-based and statistical approaches
Can we factor out free choice? / Bert Cappelle
Empirical syntax: idiolectal variability in two- and three-verb clusters in regional standard Dutch and Dutch dialects / Leonie Cornips
Towards a multivariate model of grammar: the case of word order variation in Dutch clause final verb clusters / Gert de Sutter
Transplanted dialects and language change: question formation in Québec / Martin Elsig and Shana Poplack
Agreement in English dialects / Verena Haser and Bernd Kortmann
Semi-modal variation / Katarina Klein
Variation in Komi object marking / Gerson Klumpp
How lexicalization reflected in hyphenation affects variation and word-formation / Britta Mondorf
Variation in German adjective inflection: a corpus study / Said Sahel.

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