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Table of Contents
Wartime organizational changes in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Initial challenges : postwar and demobilization planning
The Navy and unification
The National Security Act achieved
Preparing for a new enemy
War ends in the Pacific
Troubles emerge in postwar China, 1945-1946
Assessing and responding to the Soviet naval threat
Adjusting to the National Military Establishment
Living in "interesting times"
Slugging it out on Capitol Hill
Events in the western Pacific
Troubles on the Korean Peninsula
Deciding to fight
Defending NATO Europe : planning during the initial stages
The Eisenhower national security structure
Rethinking national strategy
Coping with the new look
A crisis abroad and a CNO's departure.
Initial challenges : postwar and demobilization planning
The Navy and unification
The National Security Act achieved
Preparing for a new enemy
War ends in the Pacific
Troubles emerge in postwar China, 1945-1946
Assessing and responding to the Soviet naval threat
Adjusting to the National Military Establishment
Living in "interesting times"
Slugging it out on Capitol Hill
Events in the western Pacific
Troubles on the Korean Peninsula
Deciding to fight
Defending NATO Europe : planning during the initial stages
The Eisenhower national security structure
Rethinking national strategy
Coping with the new look
A crisis abroad and a CNO's departure.