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General context and methodology. The pseudepigrapha in Christianity ; The pseudepigrapha and Christianity, revisited : setting the stage and framing some central questions ; Christian transmission of Greek Jewish scriptures : a methodological probe ; The weighing of the parts : pivots and pitfalls in the study of early Judaisms and their early Christian offspring ; Combined review : The Old Testament pseudepigrapha, edited by James H. Charlesworth; The apocryphal Old Testament, edited by H.F.D. Sparks
Selected specific studies. Reassessing the "recensional problem" in Testament of Abraham ; "Ezra" materials in Judaism and Christianity ; Towards assessing the Latin text of "5 Ezra" : the Christian connection ; Enoch and written authorities in Testaments of the 12 patriarchs ; The Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila and its echoes of Judaism
Some related studies. Pliny on Essenes, Pliny on Jews ; Philo on Seth, Philo on Enoch ; Philo's treatment of the number seven in On creation ; Philo and the Sabbath crisis : Alexandrian Jewish politics and the dating of Philo's works ; Tiberius Julius Alexander and the crisis in Alexandria according to Josephus.

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