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Table of Contents
Wittgenstein's critique of Frazer / Jacques Bouveresse
Relativism, commensurability and translatability / Hans-Johann Glock
'Back to the rough ground!' Wittgensteinian reflections on rationality and reason / Jane Heal
Worlds or words apart? Wittgenstein on understanding religious language / Genia Schönbaumsfeld
The tightrope walker / Severin Schroeder
Rules and reason / Joachim Schulte
Rule-following without reasons : Wittgenstein's quietism and the constitutive question / Crispin Wright.
Relativism, commensurability and translatability / Hans-Johann Glock
'Back to the rough ground!' Wittgensteinian reflections on rationality and reason / Jane Heal
Worlds or words apart? Wittgenstein on understanding religious language / Genia Schönbaumsfeld
The tightrope walker / Severin Schroeder
Rules and reason / Joachim Schulte
Rule-following without reasons : Wittgenstein's quietism and the constitutive question / Crispin Wright.