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Historical context for research on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging / Douglas Kimmel, Tara Rose, Nancy Orel, and Beverly Greene
Trans aging / Loree Cook-Daniels
The aging bisexual: the invisible of the invisible minority / Sari H. Dworkin
Physical and mental health of older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults / Arnold H. Grossman
Sexuality in the lives of aging lesbian and bisexual women / Linda Garnets and Letitia Anne Peplau
Gay men and aging: sex and intimacy / Edward A. Wierzalis, Bob Barret, Mark Pope, and Michael Rankins
The victimization of older LGBT adults: patterns, impact, and implications for intervention / Kimberly F. Balsam and Anthony R. D'Augelli
Use and misuse of alcohol and drugs / Derek D. Satre
Aging together: the retirement plans of same-sex couples / Steven E. Mock, Catherine J. Taylor, and Ritch C. Savin-Williams
Lesbian and bisexual women as grandparents: the centrality of sexual orientation in the grandparent-grandchild relationship / Nancy Orel
Legal concerns of LGBT elders / Matthew R. Dubois
End-of-life issues for LGBT older adults / Dean Blevins and James L. Werth, Jr
Community needs assessment: documenting the need for affirmative services for LGB older adults / Nancy Orel
Openhouse: community building and research in the LGBT aging population / Marcy Adelman, Jeanette Gurevitch, Brian de Vries, and John A. Blando
Sage: New York City's pioneer organization for LGBT elders / Elizabeth Kling and Douglas Kimmel
Bibliography of research and clinical perspectives on LGBT aging / Steven David.

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